Planning Info
Soils Details – 2015
Soil survey and soil map unit information updated
Soil map unit names and classifications have been updated to correspond with October 2014 Soil Survey updates by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). All of the soil map symbols in the following counties have been replaced so that planners will need to reenter the soils for existing databases in those counties: Buffalo, Juneau, Monroe and Trempealeau. Many other counties have had changes to their soil survey, and we recommend that planners check SnapMaps to be sure that the soil map units for all fields are still correct.
The NRCS has also updated their databases on the properties of soils. The erodibility factor (K) for many soils has changed for many soils due to a reassessment of soil properties, and this will result in changes to calculated soil loss. Soil loss tolerance (T) has also changed for many soils. In addition, the Soil Group, Yield Potential, Fall N Restriction and/or CAFO Manure Prohibition (W and R) designations have changed for a lesser number of soils due to the soil property update.
Please note that the 15.1 version of SnapPlus returns yield potentials for the Kewaunee, Manawa, and Hochheim soil map units to their 2014 values. Users of SnapPlus 15.0 should upgrade to 15.1 to obtain these changes. See the Dec. 14 letter below for details.
Kewaunee, Manawa, and Hochheim soil map unit yield potential designation Dec. 14, 2015
Wisconsin soil map unit characterization changes 2015 (Excel XSLX, 1.1 MB)
590 Fall N restricted soils 2015 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
NR243 W and R soils 2015 (PDF, 1 MB)
Wisconsin Soil Classifications for Nutrient Management Planning 2015
Excel XSLX, filterable by county, 755 KB
PDF, single document, 7 MB