Download SnapPlus 20 Beta
New 20.4 Beta!
SnapPlusV2 20 is a maintenance release, with significant performance improvements and bug fixes. Download build 23067.1425.
SnapPlus 20 Beta is installed as an entirely separate Windows program from any existing SnapPlusV2 or SnapPlusV2Alpha programs. You may run SnapPlus 2/14/15/16/17/18/19/20 and SnapPlus 20 Beta side-by-side. While you can use existing SnapPlus databases from older versions, it is highly recommended that you copy your farm database to C:\SnapPlus2Beta\MySnapPlusData for use with the Beta version and do a SnapShot as soon as it opens.
Farm-Merge Notice
This version of the Beta was produced to fix a problem noted when merging SnapPlus farm databases. If you tried to merge farms using the SnapPlus release version and wound up with missing fields, please install this Beta and try again (our apologies for the bug). This release has not had the extensive QA that we usually perform before a release, so we recommend that it be used only to merge farms.
Computer Requirements
SnapPlus requires Microsoft Windows; Windows 7 is the earliest supported version for the Beta. See Minimum System Requirements for details.
What Is Installed
SnapPlus uses a standard Windows installer and will install .NET 4.6, the Microsoft SQL Server CLR Types (not the entire SQL Server product) and Microsoft ReportViewer if needed. This requires Windows admin privileges. A typical install should take just a few minutes. See our quick guide to installing for more details on installing SnapPlus. This guide was written for SnapPlus 17; your 19 install experience may look different, but should be functionally identical.
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